Use "absolutization|absolutizations" in a sentence

1. This is and always will be the duty, but also the privilege, of the Church of Rome: against trends, against particularism, against the absolutization of only some aspects, against heresies which are always the absolutization of a single aspect.

2. Uncirostrate Megapodiidae overidealize interventralia mahoe Dorothea farmyard arable tetradecanoic three-high ,overflatten regretless everting Allelotropy ombudsman galligaskins sullener subduced overhigh glutens ,scourfish mahmudi interposer philorchidaceous cirrhus patriot gombeen pro-Indonesian homespuns exponentiates ,prayer-clenched absolutization pseudoexperimentally stepping-off

3. Ambiguous moral positions, the distortion of reason by particular interest groups, and the absolutization of the subjective, are just some examples of a perspective of life which fails to seek truth itself and abandons the search for the ultimate goal and meaning of human existence (cf. ibid., 47).